Top 10 Interesting Facts About Bill Gates

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Bill Gates
Picture: GatesNotes

Bill Gates is a name that needs no introduction in the world of technology and philanthropy. This article goes beyond the familiar narrative of Gates as the co-founder of Microsoft, diving into a series of compelling facts that shed light on his character, achievements, and influences.

From his academic decisions to his surprising personal choices, these facts bring you closer to understanding the multi-dimensional figure who has played a crucial role in shaping the technological landscape of our times.

10 Fascinating Bill Gates Facts:

1. Bill Gates showed an early passion for programming, kickstarting his journey in technology.

ill Gates’ early interest in programming began at 13, influencing his future. He first experimented with programming at Seattle’s Lakeside School, developing a tic-tac-toe game. Gates, with Paul Allen, later worked on Traf-O-Data, showcasing his practical application of computing skills.

At Harvard, he temporarily left to focus on programming at Honeywell and developed BASIC for the Altair 8800, leading to Microsoft’s formation. Despite leaving Harvard, Gates continued self-education, reading extensively and exploring online courses, which played a crucial role in his technological pursuits and the eventual success of Microsoft​​​​​​​​​​.

2. Gates made the unconventional choice to drop out of Harvard University to focus on building Microsoft.

Despite excellent grades, Bill Gates left Harvard in 1975, a decision that propelled his journey to co-found Microsoft. At Harvard, he was known for his unique academic approach, often attending classes he wasn’t enrolled in and indulging in all-night poker games.

Gates’ encounter with Paul Allen over an Altair microcomputer cover story in Popular Electronics was pivotal, leading to the birth of Microsoft. Returning to Harvard in 2007 to receive an honorary degree, Gates’ story is a testament to following one’s passion outside traditional paths​.

Must Read: What Inspired Bill Gates to Become an Entrepreneur?

3. In a surprising twist, Gates was arrested in 1977 in Albuquerque for a traffic violation.

In December 1977, two years after founding Microsoft with Paul Allen, Bill Gates was arrested in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This arrest was for a traffic violation while driving Allen’s car. The specific reasons reported for his arrest include driving without a license and not stopping at a stop sign. Interestingly, this wasn’t his first encounter with traffic-related legal issues. Gates was first arrested in 1975, also for driving without a license as well as speeding.

What makes the 1977 incident particularly memorable is Gates’ mugshot from the arrest, in which he can be seen smiling. This image has become quite iconic over time, even leading to speculation that a silhouette in Microsoft Outlook from 2010 was based on this mugshot.

These incidents highlight a lesser-known aspect of Gates’ life, contrasting with his later image as a tech visionary and philanthropist. It’s a reminder that even the most successful individuals have had their share of youthful indiscretions.

4. Demonstrating his intellectual prowess, Gates achieved an impressive 1590 out of 1600 on his SATs.

Bill Gates, a symbol of technological innovation, achieved an extraordinary SAT score, reflecting his intellectual prowess. Scoring a perfect 800 in math and 790 in verbal, his total was 1590 out of 1600. This exceptional result positioned him in the top echelon of test-takers, highlighting his remarkable academic abilities.

Gates’ score played a significant role in his admission to Harvard University, although his eventual path to success with Microsoft was shaped more by his passion, innovation, and vision than by his academic record. His journey underscores the idea that while academic achievements like high SAT scores can open doors, true success often lies in one’s dedication and ability to innovate​​​​.

5. Gates plans to leave only a modest portion of his vast wealth to his children, focusing on philanthropy.

Bill Gates, with a net worth of around $130 billion, plans to leave only $10 million to each of his three children as an inheritance. This decision is a part of his broader philanthropic approach, influenced by the belief that large inheritances can distort personal ambitions. Gates’ choice reflects his commitment to philanthropy and the idea of self-made success.

He co-founded the Giving Pledge with Warren Buffett, urging billionaires to donate most of their wealth to charitable causes. Following his divorce from Melinda Gates, there’s speculation about potential changes to the inheritance plans, but Gates’ principle on this matter has been consistent and clear.

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6. Despite his family’s multilingualism, Bill Gates is monolingual.

Bill Gates, despite his impressive intellectual prowess and dedication to continuous learning, speaks only English fluently. This monolingual status, however, contrasts with his family, especially his children, who are multilingual. Gates’ interest in languages stems from his desire to connect with people from diverse cultures and to understand the world better.

His approach to language learning emphasizes immersion and the use of technology. Despite not being multilingual himself, he appreciates the importance of languages in global communication and cultural understanding.

7. Gates would have considered pursuing a career in AI research if Microsoft had not been successful.

The seventh fact about Bill Gates, regarding his alternate career path, reveals an intriguing aspect of his mindset. If Microsoft had not succeeded, Gates considered pursuing a career in artificial intelligence (AI) research. This reflects his deep interest in technology and his foresight in the fields that would later become crucial in the tech industry.

Gates’ inclination towards AI research also suggests his adaptability and readiness to explore emerging technological frontiers beyond the scope of Microsoft’s initial focus. This fact underscores Gates’ visionary approach and his willingness to delve into new and challenging areas of technology.

8. In 2017, Gates participated in a charity tennis match alongside Roger Federer.

In April 2017, Bill Gates teamed up with tennis legend Roger Federer for a charity tennis match in Seattle. This event, part of the Roger Federer Foundation’s “Match For Africa 4,” aimed to raise funds for children’s education.

Federer, renowned for his achievements in tennis, and Gates, the world’s leading philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft, faced off against American tennis star John Isner and another celebrity. The match was a unique collaboration between two icons from different fields, united by a common goal of supporting education.

9. Gates is the owner of the Codex Leicester, a collection of scientific writings by Leonardo da Vinci.

Bill Gates purchased the Codex Leicester, a scientific journal by Leonardo da Vinci, for $30.8 million in 1994, making it one of the most expensive books ever sold. This 72-page manuscript covers topics like astronomy, water properties, and theories about the Moon, including the correct hypothesis of “Planetshine” — sunlight reflected from Earth.

Gates’ acquisition reflects his admiration for da Vinci’s pursuit of knowledge. He digitized the Codex for public display, showing his commitment to making such historic and educational resources accessible. This purchase highlights Gates’ interest in preserving and sharing significant scientific and historical knowledge.

10. Gates was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, recognizing his contributions to technology and philanthropy.

On March 2, 2005, Bill Gates was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, receiving the title of “Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire” (KBE). This prestigious honor recognized his immense contributions to the UK and globally, notably in health, poverty reduction, and development in the Commonwealth and developing regions.

Gates’ achievements through Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, particularly in global health and poverty alleviation, were key factors in this recognition. His company’s significant UK presence, including nearly 2,000 employees and the establishment of Microsoft Research Cambridge in 1997, further strengthened his ties to the UK.

The knighthood ceremony, a private event at Buckingham Palace attended by Gates and his wife, Melinda, highlights Gates’ dual legacy as a technology innovator and a global philanthropist. Despite the honor, as an American, Gates cannot use “Sir” but can append KBE to his name.

Also Read: Bill Gates Rules for Students: Lessons Not Taught in Schools


We hope you’ve enjoyed discovering these captivating facts about Bill Gates, shedding light on the lesser-known aspects of his life and career; please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below.

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